Dev Diary Entry, 1st December 2020
My coding Instagram account has been dormant since July. It seems a shame since I spent so much time on it over the past couple of years. I got a bit fed up of taking photos though, which is pivotal to a photo-sharing platform! Plus I didn’t like the focus on stories and videos - I just like writing lengthy captions no one reads. Blogging like this suits me more, plus gives me ownership of the content. It always feels a little weird to create content on someone else’s platform and not have easy access to it. On the other hand, it was a friendly place to connect with people digitally, which I miss, so I might upload a new photo of my laptop soon.
What I've been reading this week:
- Write Errors That Don’t Make Me Think - This post contains an error message styleguide: not something I never knew I needed until now.
- Create a line break while maintaining inline status - Spoiler:
::after { content: '\A'}
. V. useful.
What I've been watching this week:
- Accessible Color Standards - Designing in the Browser - Una talks about all the helpful tools that Chrome has for choosing accessible colours for your website. I particularly like the lines on the colour picker that lets you know if the colour falls outside the WCAG ratios.