Dev Diary Entry, 3rd November 2020
So Blogtober didn’t go that well! I managed a grand total of one published post and one draft. What have we learnt from this? That I’m not motivated enough to post regularly right now. I have plenty of ideas, but am not disciplined enough to write them up. Even trying to embarass myself into posting more hasn’t worked! Oh well. Next job on the list, a redesign of this Dev Diary page and format.
- Everything Developers Need To Know About Figma - I’ve been using Figma for four months and I had several epiphanies reading this article. This will make my day so much more streamlined!
- The Widening Responsibility for Front-End Developers - Chris Coyier’s longer pieces are always worth a read. Frontend development encompasses an overwhelming amount of responsibilities nowadays.
- 9 Tips of creating a readable website - The tips are useful but I’m here for the gorgeous layout.