2019 03 26
It was the annual UpFront conference here in Manchester last Friday and I attended with my current work colleagues. I’ve been to the last four UpFront conferences 🏆 and I realised I’ve attended them with a different group of colleagues each year: a combination of the high turnover of staff in IT and my own job-hopping! It was another good year of talks. No well-known speakers this year, but that doesn’t indicate quality anyway. There was a good one about community building by someone who works on the team maintaining the GOV.UK design guide, and a talk about a11y that I thought would repeat everything I’d heard before, but had an entertaining and informative take on it instead. A conference is always a long day, but worth it to me and I get lots of good ideas for social media posts!
- I cross-posted this 6 month old blog post about the benefits of using email newsletters for keeping up-to-date with web dev on dev.to. It took ages for me to edit and ended up being a lot shorter than the original. I hope I can get quicker and editing and pressing the ‘post’ button with blog posts! I also hope I can come up with shorter titles 😩