Dev Diary Entry, 19th March 2019
- I started reading ‘Animating SVGs’ by Sarah Drasner (O’Reilly). I really want to get a grip on SVGs and the first chapter alone was useful for explaining the viewbox and viewport concepts thoroughly for me.
- I posted a new blog post! The difference between the dependencies and devDependencies keys in package.json files.
- Make it boring - a blog post about how the tools you use to build a website should be less exciting than the thing you’re building. In web dev it’s easy to get caught up in the toolchain and forget about the actual product you’re building.
- I had a weird moment when reading this blog called 21 ways to optimise your CSS - I found so much of the advice flat out wrong and against everything I’d advise someone to do with CSS. Much of the info wasn’t backed up with sound reasoning either IMO. I’d never read a technical article I strongly disagreed on before!
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