Dev Diary Entry, 13th February 2019
- I converted this page from being named ‘Interesting’ to ‘Dev Diary’, because it’s more descriptive. I’ve been meaning to do this for a while and it was satisfying to tick off the list.
- I published a blog post listing all the Internet Points I earned in 2018 so I can keep track of them and make myself feel better on those days when I doubt my skills.
- 230 New Emoji Announced for 2019 - we’re getting waffles, sloths, otters and loads more in this year’s Emoji 12 release! 🎉
- The Great Divide, CSS Tricks - an excellent piece that hits the nail on the head for me in terms of how the term ‘frontend developer’ is too broad and unspecific as a job description. Instead developers tend to specialise in JavaScript or in the UI/UX side of things (personally I want to be more UI/UX orientated).
✍️ View all my Dev Diary posts here.