Interests 7th November 2018
I’m writing this from departures of the airport: I’m travelling to Paris to attend dotCSS after winning a ticket giveaway held by Women Who Code! Very excited, expect a blog post soon!
- 🎃Blogtober finished over a week ago and I completely lost interest in it over the last few days … it was a tough challenge towards the end but I’m glad to have finished so many half-completed blog posts that were languishing on my hard drive! I’ll be writing a summary post soon.
- 📱 I love this app that tells you how long a technology has been out for: it helps avoids recruiters asking for ten years of React experience!
- 💪I made a small PR to the project to add Redux and Magento to it - since this was in October it meant that I actually made a PR for Hacktoberfest! (Only need four more for my t-shirt … )
- ✨ Border radius can take loads of values, which this project illustrates really well.
- 🛡 I drew a shield in Codepen using only CSS. I achieved the shape by using border-radius like in the project above.